Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Swine flu fizzles...

or so you would like to believe. The graph shown above (click to enlarge) is the history of the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918. Note the initial blip in the mortality rate in July 1918 but the real spike came the following flu season. The same pattern may occur with the swine flu, and here's an article about a potential second wave. We're not out of the woods yet.

For those detractors that say the H1N1 outbreak has been over-hyped by officials and the media, what exactly would you have preferred be done in the initial days of this event? It's easy to criticize in retrospect. Moreover, I look at it as a fire drill - to test our medical response to a modern pandemic - because some day we're really going to need it.

The Bu bro agrees: "The real test will be in the fall/winter."

1 comment:

  1. Bring on this "job security frenzy"! Actually, ...I take that back. A large outbreak would severely stress our already "tightened" medical resources.
