Friday, May 15, 2009

Open letter to EWU Board of Trustees...

15 May 2009

Dear EWU Board of Trustees members:

If you examine EWU’s Mission Statement you will find 14 references to “academics” and “student learning” and no mention whatsoever of “sports” or “athletics.” Clearly we are in the business of educating students.

With all due respect, the budget reduction proposal being advanced by Dr. Arevalo does little to protect instructional programs despite all the rhetoric expressing otherwise. Dr. Arevalo’s massive budget reductions in Academic Affairs are largely based on recapturing unfilled academic positions without any consideration of the impact on programs, and moreover, it’s based on arbitrary comparisons with the so-called Delaware model.

For example, we have a biology department that presently lacks a geneticist – how is it possible to offer a credible degree in the field of biology without this critical component? A structural geologist resigned abruptly last year and we are not allowed to hire a replacement for this keystone position. Chemistry and physics similarly lack important positions, as well as other departments across campus. Indeed, student learning does not seem to be a real priority and instructional quality will suffer if Dr. Arevalo’s budget proposal is adopted.

A modest alternative: I have attached my Start Something Big budget reduction proposal that more completely fulfills the primary mission of the university – educating students - and would urge you to consider it seriously. It reduces state support of the Athletics Program by 50% and reassigns those dollars to Academic Affairs for strategic hiring of faculty replacements to maintain program integrity. I believe this is a considerably more equitable distribution of pain across the EWU community.

The EWU Athletics Program is fully capable of fund raising in order to make up the deficit. Ticket prices can be raised, and greater efforts to reach out to boosters and alumni for donations can be initiated, if these ancillary (not indispensible) sports programs must continue. WWU is eliminating football. UW just slashed $1.6 million from their athletics budget. EWU should follow suit, without reservation.

Please reaffirm your commitment to excellence in student education at EWU and adopt the Start Something Big budget. Thank you for your consideration.

Dr. John P. Buchanan
Professor of Geology
Director, Environmental Science Program


  1. This rocks. Terrific.

  2. Fantastic. This is a good model for others to follow if they choose to write.

  3. Maybe we should tell them to not allow the Pres to have his $10,000 garage addition installed as well...

    "President Arévalo and his lovely wife live in a beautiful home provided by the University. They also have a two-car garage for personal vehicles. The problem is the Arévalos have three cars, and in a time of extreme financial distress at the university Dr. Arévalo wants the university to put up another building for approximately $10,000 to protect his third automobile from the harsh Cheney elements."
