Wednesday, May 13, 2009

By popular demand...

your humble correspondent has posted the PowerPoint presentation (in .pdf format) that I delivered yesterday at the meeting with president Arevalo. Yes, it includes the now famous Buchanan's Start Something Big alternative budget proposal.

As far as I know my SSB budget proposal is the only alternative offered to president Arevalo for consideration. I doubt that he will give it any serious attention so I'll likely present this to the EWU Board of Trustees at their meeting on campus this Friday.

I aim to keep stirring the pot.


  1. Dr. Buchanan -

    THANK YOU for stirring the pot!! It isn't being stirred nearly enough! I was at the meeting yesterday, and it seemed to me the underlying theme was the lack of communication by the University's administration to the rest of faculty, staff, students, etc. I have actively tried to seek out information about the administration's budget plans, but the information just isn't available!! I have been so embarrassed by our university's lack of communication in comparison to WSU's constant, public updates.

    If you are ever able to organize another meeting similar to the one you held yesterday, I would suggest inviting John Mason, Provost of Academic Affairs. He was interim for Arevalo while he was on medical leave, and he seemed to be a great communicator. He would be an interesting perspective, and he actually seems like he cares/is dedicated to doing his job effectively.

    Loved the SSB budget!

    Keep stirring!!!! (!!)

  2. Thank you for your comments. I agree that Dr. Mason likely has a much better command of the details than president Arevalo. In fact, I've exchanged several e-mails with him in December during the early contemplation of the budget reductions. Indeed, it would have been good if he had been present yesterday but the ultimate decision regarding the budget recommendation to the EWU BoT rests with Dr. Arevalo.
