Monday, April 13, 2009

Twenty years and counting...

until our rendezvous with asteroid Apophis. On this date in 2029 the 350 m wide space rock will zoom past earth at a distance of only 18,000 mi and shine like a 3rd magnitude star. While it is not predicted to impact Earth during that pass, there is a small chance that a slight change in its orbit could create an increased probability of collision in 2036.

Link to some asteroid deflection strategies.

No worries. Plenty of time to get a band of rogue drillers together and send them to the space rock in a modified shuttle with some nukes.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe this will be reason enough to have Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck shot into space... I don't really care if the world is saved, just so long as those two were shot into space.
