Monday, April 27, 2009

Swoop is the king of the roost...

at the bat colony at Bat Conservation International in Austin, Texas. This charismatic straw-colored fruit bat (Eidolon helvum) lived with my late wife and me for a long period of time. Barbara French, the biologist that oversees the colony, e-mailed this latest news:
"He's always busy chasing the girls around. Everyone gets along well and while I am not yet positive, there is some chance Zuzu might be pregnant. She seemed very, very big but suddenly seems a bit smaller, so we are just not sure. But Swoop is definitely in love with her! He follows her everywhere and fawns over her. They are so cute when they all roost together during the day. I’m going to take some photos and sent them by e-mail so you can see him. He is such a happy little guy and it is obvious the girls like having him around."
That's my little buddy!

1 comment:

  1. For those unfortunates who have never had the honor of meeting the Swoopster, I have to say he is the cuddliest bat I've ever met.
