Thursday, April 30, 2009

Train more math and science teachers...

is the mandate from the state legislature according to the latest e-mail from EWU president Arevalo updating the campus community on the budget reductions. Here's the direct quote:
"The Legislature also added provisions such as no funding for any salary increases, the development of a plan to increase the number of math and science teachers we graduate, the development of a new performance agreement with the state, continued efforts to increase high demand enrollments and required examination of programs for consolidation or elimination."
(Added emphasis is mine.)

Interesting. I wonder how Dr. Arevalo's proposed 28% reduction in the funding level of the college that actually teaches science and math courses will help satisfy this mandate?

Some related graphics from EWU's administration web site (click to enlarge each graph):

1 comment:

  1. While I have the utmost respect for teachers, it seems like right now is a terrible time to become one. If the state is mandating that EWU puts out more teachers, you'd think they wouldn't be cutting the general education funds and forcing layoffs etc. and perhaps put out incentives to attract new teachers? But that would make sense...
