Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The geology of Mars...

and the Scablands connection will be discussed at my lecture next week sponsored by the Ice Age Floods Institute. Here's their announcement:
Join us for an evening of learning more about the Ice Age Floods story sponsored by the Cheney-Spokane Chapter of the Ice Age Floods Institute.

WHO: Dr. John P. Buchanan, Professor of Geology, Eastern Washington University

WHAT: Free Public Lecture on “The Geology of Mars and the Scablands Connection”

WHEN: Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 6:30 p.m.

WHERE: Spokane Community College, Lair Auditorium. 1810 North Greene, Spokane

DESCRIPTION: Dr. Buchanan will provide an illustrated presentation examining the geology of Mars and how it relates to the Channeled Scablands in eastern Washington. A comparison of Martian and terrestrial landforms will be made, and the history of Mars exploration and recent scientific findings will be highlighted.
/end self promotion.

UPDATE: I understand that this talk conflicts with the meeting time for ENVS 488. I'd be happy to make another presentation during the noon hour on campus. Hello Geology Club? Are you there? Would you like to organize such an event?


  1. Sad, that is during envs 488.. :(


  2. Working on it. I personally would love to hear a noontime lecture.

