Monday, December 14, 2009

There he goes again...

exaggerating global climate change: Inconvenient truth for Al Gore as his North Pole sums don't add up. To wit:
In his speech, Mr Gore told the conference: “These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75 per cent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years.”
To which Dr. Maslowski had this to say:
“It’s unclear to me how this figure was arrived at,” Dr Maslowski said. “I would never try to estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this.”
Hey, facts never seem to have gotten in the way of Gore's spinning. Here's yet another recent example. And let's not forget this gem either.

1 comment:

  1. The more I pay attention to what Al Gore says on this topic the more I wince at what can now only be categorized as fearmongering. The issues are real, but his commentary does nothing useful to advance the discussion of what, if anything, to do about them.
