Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Flying Men" petroglyphs...

were the objective of this morning's hike near Moab, Utah, in the company of Geogal and Skipper. On the short walk we encountered a lovely meadow at the peak of bloom with desert wild onion (Allium macropetalum) (click to enlarge):
And blue-star (Amsonia tomentosa) was no slouch either:
We ultimately achieved our goal, finding two large boulders liberally adorned with anthropomorphic figures bearing wings:

There's even an embedded anorexic Kokopelli for the careful observer.

NOTE: The upside-down and more recently pecked "JB" (upper left on boulder) was done by a vandal, and not by your desert correspondent!

1 comment:

  1. Fun adventures this weekend, and thanks for documenting all the "good stuff" with your wonderful photos. Sorry old Skipper was such a wimp-dog; we'll have to work on those water crossings!
