Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Codename Q2S...

EWU Considers Switch to Semester System.

Yes, at a time when the Washington State budget is busted, and EWU has to cut $22.6 million dollars the next biennium, President Arevalo unilaterally decides that transitioning from quarters to semesters (Q2S) is the best course for the university during these very trying times.  Here's his recommendation to the Board of Trustees.

I personally believe that a semester system is pedagogically superior for teaching science curricula, but I also believe it is reckless to make this transition and spend millions of dollars in planning during such financially insecure times.  To put it more basically:  one doesn't indulge in remodeling the bathroom when there's a gaping hole in the ceiling above the kitchen and you don't even have the money to repair the roof.

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